This is certainly a year of firsts. As we barrel on through Back to School Season, we know parents are struggling with remote learning. Even the children that are headed back to the classroom, there is still the ever-looming possibility that a positive test or local spike in cases could bring their children back to the virtual classroom.

Here are a few tips to help both parents (and students) navigate this unusual situation.

  1. Establish a routine. A routine helps cut back on day-to-day craziness and sets your child up with day-to-day expectations.

  2. Don’t “pop in” on the at-home classes. You don’t do that when they’re in the classroom, resist the urge while they are distance learning.

  3. Encourage physical activity daily. Exercise can help mitigate a whole host of potential issues, particularly feeling cooped up at home and the ever-challenging “ants in your pants.”

  4. Make sure at the start of the day that they have everything they need (homework, pens/pencils, notebooks, etc.) to help mitigate the need to get up throughout the day and request your help.

  5. Make sure they have easy healthy snacks they can grab on their own. Children need to fuel their bodies and minds throughout the day, and junk food and sugar will only increase their distractability.

Some of our favorite snacks that are both healthy and kid-approved.

Nuts with cheese: Both nuts and a little bit of cheese pack a protein punch!

Fruit or veggies with nut butter: The single-serving packs of nut butter also help regulate portion control, and fruits and veggies are nutrient-dense and full of fiber to keep them full until the next meal.

Granola Bars: Easy to grab ‘n go, just make sure you’re buying granola bars packed with whole foods (like nuts, oats and dried fruit) and a not just packed with sugar, like Kind Bars or our Trail Mix Granola Bars.

Kale Chips: Kale is a superfood, and crispy kale chips are perfect for the kid that loves a salty snack. Try our “Cheesy” Kale Chips packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Just for Back to School Season, we’re happy to help you along this journey! Our personal chef services provide healthy, healing and customized meals all ready to warm and enjoy. For the kiddos in your life, all new clients will also receive a complimentary pack of 3 kid-friendly lunch boxes and a snack. All of our meals and lunch boxes are allergy-friendly and fully custom.